Contribute to your local community

Wattle is designed to help connect you with issues and groups that you care about, allowing you to make positive change in those spaces.

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Wattle is for anyone who wants to make a difference

No matter your age or experience, we’re here to empower you to take that first step into volunteering.

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A group of people standing around some tree saplings talkingSeveral people kneeling and pulling out weeds along a bike pathPeople standing around a weeded section along a bike path

Find A Local Community

8 organisations are on Wattle

City of Port Phillip LogoACF LogoCity of Port Phillip LogoACF Logo
A group of people wearing gloves and picking up trashSeveral people digging a hole and holding a tree saplingA group of people looking around at bats in the trees, one is holding binoculars

Join and support a local organisation

Get involved in local projects that make a real difference, and meet like-minded people who share your goals.

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For Organisations

Wattle is free for organisations to manage events and members. Get in contact to find out more.

A man with a yellow t-shirt and white cap, with shoulder-length brown hair

James Henderson

Organisation Liason
